These are some old dreams that wrote down but never posted since I stated this blog. I thought I would add a few more to the mix. I have had two intense dreams the past two nights but since I didn't get up and write them down like I should have, I forgot them before I could get here.
I am at Robin's apartment hanging out watching TV and he pulls out the rifle that we bought together a few months ago. I was asking him if he had shot it yet and he told me no. His gun is not the same one that we bought at the show, the one in the dream has a grande launcher or rocket launcher on the bottom of the barrel. We both look at it for a minute and then he aims it at the ceiling and fires off a round through the roof. The missle leaves a small hole in the roof and we hear a explostion off in the distance and we both laugh. He decides to do it again so we can watch it. When he shoots off the second round we both go to the window and watch it fly through the sky. It goes over the trees and starts to deceind and then explodes. We look at each other and wonder if it landed on someone house or car or...we didn't know. We both ran from the window so no one would see us.
A bunch of other people showed up at the house and we are watching tv and just chilling out together....good times!!
from 4/08/12
I was in some kind of school with a computer teacher and someone else (I am not sure who the other person is). I don't remember what we were talking about but we start looking at my checking account for some reason and see that it had gone all the way negative but now it is back up above $8000 and I knew I had a check in my back pocket for $2000 (I actually do have a check in my back pocket for $2000) that I needed to deposit. I was telling the teacher that if someone was to invent a scanner that I could just scan my check then I wouldn't have to go all the way to the bank and it would already be deposited in the account already. He asked me if I could do that, I told I could with the right equipment. He turns on his computer and it starts talking...literally the computer is having a conversation with the guy banging on the keyboards. He keeps on interacting with the computer and then tells me to follow him outside he wants to show me something.
We get outside and and there is a small one man little air craft of some kind and he turns it on. It is hovering right where he is at and I ask him if he likes it better with the slow prop engine or with fast jet thrust engines? He said he liked it better with the slow engine. He bends down and pulls out two red inflatable small life boat shaped devices. When he turns them on they start to hover also and we get in. We start riding around and he gets some kind of message that there is an emergency and he has to go. Someone has been stabbed and needs his help to stop the bleeding. Another lady was with us in another inflatable and we stop by some older mans house and start banging on his door screaming the emergency code to til he comes running out. Simon Baker (the actor that plays the Mentalist on TV) comes running up to me and tells me they have to leave. So they all take off and me and Simon decide to go to O'Charlies (where I used to work) for Sunday brunch.
Next thing I know I am sitting in the kitchen at O'Charly's but all the team members are the the ones from the Chili's in San Fran that I used to run and the GM that took over for me when I left (Paul) was there also. We are just sitting on the make line talking about stuff while all the cooks are getting ready for the lunch/brunch rush and I am counting all the cooks that are working for lunch (I think there was 8 or 9). They are all the Hispanic cooks that I hired and a couple of the cute ones didn't have a shirt on for some reason. They are smoking ribs, cooking off fish (I don't know why they are cooking fish) and basically goofing off. I notice there is red carpet on the kitchen floor and I start asking Paul why the hell he has carpet on the make line in a kitchen. He tells me it helps everyone's feet and keeps them more comfortable. I kneel down and I am feeling the carpet and ask him how does he clean it and he tells me he steam cleans it every night. This seems kind of stupid to me, but it not my store anymore. I then see at the far end of the line these lady's walking by and he tells me that that is the new AD and she don't know shit about anything but we better go.
I am out in the parking lot and my back starts to hurt (same spot as it is hurting now) so I decide to go see my doctor. I get in a car with some guy (I know this person but, I can't remember who it was now...but I know him) and we drive to my doctors home office. When we get there the person who I am talking to is not my doctor but my dentist, but I keep taking to him about medical stuff. He tells me to go and get some kind of medicine to help it go away so we did. We are using the GPS to get around because we are in a place that I don't know how to get around. When we get back we are at the front of the my doctors house because for some reason I think it is a shot that I have to have, but when we get his attention and open the box, i realize it is a bottle of pills. So we leave and go back to the persons apartment when I take the pills and he leaves to go to work.
Since I am in his apartment all alone, I start to look around and I am in the a back room that has a glass door leading to a porch and look out and there is some boy out on the back deck trying to get in. When he sees me he takes off. I go back to the front of the aprt. and the same boy comes and knocks on the door and I let him in and he tells me he is friends with, who evers aprt I am in, so I let him in. For some reason I keep thinking this other person I can't remember is my cousin, but I don't really know any of my cousins, maybe that is why I don't remember his name. Anyway me and this new boy are in the kitchen and we start taking about random shit and I remember he has long hair and bangs that hang that are parted in the middle and hang over his eyes. We keep talking and he gets closer and closer to me, he puts his hand on my shoulder as he is talking and his face is getting closer and closer and as he moves closer the bangs of his hair start to cover his face but he continues to move closer with each word....then I wake up.
I was in a class room and the class was about communication. We had an assignment that we had to write a paper about a question that we were asked about ourselves and turn it in the next day. Well the dream started on the next day when I had already turned in the paper to the teacher. You were not in this dream that I can remember, but there were a couple of people that work for me included as classmates. I don't know who the teacher was, but he was a tall white haired slender man in his late 50's. In the class that day after we had turned in our papers, the teacher told us that today we were going to have to answer another question about ourselves, but this time we were going to have to do it right now. There is not time to think about it and we were not going to write it down, he was going to ask us something and we had to explain it to him verbally in class and be clear and concise about what we were talking about, and he would grade us from there. I honestly don't remember what the questions were, but I remember rambling through some kind of answer. After everything was over and he posted the grades out in the hall, I went to look to see how I was graded. The written paper that I took time to think about and mull over all night I got a score of 100%, the verbal question that I had to answer in class, I got a 53%. I asked him about this and he told me that when I am talking with out thinking I am jumping all over the place and my thoughts seem to ramble with no destination. He said that I need to focus more on what I was wanted to say and then stay on that path and quite moving off to explain the path and just walk the path. Some other stuff happened and we all went to some big house together, but I can't remember what happened there
I had a dream that I saw this bright white light energy wave wiping out the world. It was washing over the world like a tilde wave and wiping it clean. The next thing I remember was me and you and a couple of others (I am not sure who the others were) but we were walking down a path (no houses or anything, just like in a path in a field) and I saw the same wave of light heading our way. But this time there was a golden rope that was in front of the wave and it was glowing and weaving around. The people that were with us garbed hold of the rope and were pulled up into a vortex of light. I looked up and it was like a spinning cone shaped energy column with a bright light at the tip where the rope went into. Everyone that had grabbed the rope was heading into this light. The rope went behind me and wrapped around my back and you were standing beside me and you fell down. I reached down for you to help you up with my right hand and grabbed the rope with my left hand to secured it around me and when I did the rope broke it two places and I feel down. Then the wave hit and I woke up.
Tuesday night I was hanging out with Drew Breeze (the quarter back) from the New Orleans Saints, why I have no idea. I said lets go to Robins place and hang out so we did. You were there alone, but it wasn't your apt, it was something much bigger. It had stairs and many different rooms and there was a big open area outside the apt. Well me and him started wrestling around on your bed and he had me pined down and you came in a he asked if you had me and you said yes and he moved off the bed and you got on top of me and held me down. Me and you were wrestling on the bed and Drew said he was going to call some people over to party and you said no. He went on twitter or face book or something and 1,000's of people started showing up. At this time I was trying to do crowd control and I couldn't find you. I went back into your room and you were in bed and you got up and started yelling at me to get out and take all these people and never come back...get out, get out, get out!!! You just kept yelling get out over and over again. I got a microphone from some place and started yelling at everyone to leave and then started going through the crowd started getting everyone leave. I finally got everyone out and I went looking for you but I couldn't find you now. Then I woke up.
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